Three South Philadelphia Restaurants Persevere Through Community, Nonprofit Support


Alma del Mar
Image via Alma del Mar Facebook.
Alma Del Mar is a South Philly restaurant.

Community support goes a long way in helping businesses succeed, and three popular South Philadelphia businesses can attest to this, writes Lynette Hazelton for The Philadelphia Inquirer

It was over two months ago that Marcos Tlacopilco, Alma Romero, and Nacho Flores were negatively impacted by a series of nearby vehicle thefts. 

Amid the challenges, the community got word of the situation and showed their support by donating to a GoFundMe account.

To date, the donations have reached over $20,000, and have helped keep those businesses running. 

Tlacopilco and Romero are the owners of Marco’s Fish Market & Crab House and Alma Del Mar, and had their 17-year-old refrigerated truck stolen in February.

Thanks to the donations, the entrepreneurial couple was able to purchase a used one as a replacement. 

Flores is the owner of Los Taquitos de Puebla, and while his stolen van was recovered, was completely totaled.

Now, he is close to purchasing a secondhand van to carry his restaurant supplies. 

In addition to the community, the restaurants were greatly aided by local nonprofits, such as the Merchants Fund, Greenline Access Capital, and the Office of Neighborhood Economic Development

Learn more about how three South Philly residents have been able to get back on their feet after recent challenges at The Philadelphia Inquirer


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