North Montco Technical Career Center Student Pens Children’s Book


Leah Monastra North Montco Technical Career Center
Image via North Montco Technical Career Center.
Leah Monastra, an Advertising Design student at North Montco Technical Career Center, has written a children's book that invites readers into a world of insects.
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In a world where creativity knows no bounds, young minds often find innovative ways to express themselves. For North Montco Technical Career Center high school senior Leah Monastra, her artistic journey has culminated into a children’s book titled Tony and the Lively Garden. This charming tale invites readers into a world of insects, brought to life by Monastra’s vivid imagination and artistic prowess.

From a young age, Monastra had a penchant for drawing insects. Encouraged by those around her, she embarked on a senior project for her Advertising Design honors class that would combine her passion for art with science. Thus, Tony and the Lively Garden was born. Drawing inspiration from her love for nature and her artistic journey since the age of 12, Monastra crafted a story that captivates young readers.

Navigating the intricate process of creating a children’s book posed its challenges for Monastra. Balancing the pacing of the storyline with age-appropriate content required patience and dedication. Yet, with determination and a keen eye, she successfully brought her vision to life.

Monastra’s artistic journey has been one of continuous growth and exploration. From taking a computer art class in ninth grade to attending North Montco Technical Career Center’s Advertising Design program, she has consistently pursued her passion for art. Now, as she prepares to graduate, she sets her sights on furthering her education in Environmental Science at Delaware Valley University. Her goal? To merge her artistic talents with a focus on conservation, weaving together science and nature in meaningful ways.

For aspiring artists and storytellers, Monastra offers valuable advice: persistence and patience are key. Whether embarking on the Advertising Design program or diving into the world of illustration, steadfast determination is the cornerstone of success.

You can meet Monastra at North Montco Technical Career Center during the annual Senior Project Expo on May 9, when the high school seniors display their portfolios, resumes, and projects related to their technical programs.

Learn more about how North Montco Technical Career Center, established in 1964 as a beacon of innovation, stands proudly as one of the original four area Vocational-Technical Schools in Montgomery County.

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