Even Wawa Properties Aren’t Immune From Current Market Conditions


A Wawa store with cars outside.
Image via Wawa.
Wawa property is still a good real estate investment, but market conditions are keeping them in the marketplace longer.

Wawa properties are a popular real estate investment thanks to the popularity of the brand and the relatively low risk of its stores.

Yet even these properties are being affected by a turbulent real estate market that’s seeing cautious investing and high interest rates, writes Emma Dooling for Philadelphia Business Journal.

Wawa properties that were once grabbed up quickly are taking longer to sell these days.

About a year ago, Wawa properties were on the market for about three to four weeks.  Today, that number is closer to 60 to 90 days.

That said, Wawa is still a safe place for investors, according to Patrick Nutt, executive vice president for SRS Real Estate PartnersNational Net Lease Group.

Wawa’s reputation makes it one of the most highly sought-after retail net lease tenants, similar to national brands like Chick-fil-A, McDonald’s, and CVS, Nutt said.

“There’s a lot of private investors that have an affinity for the brand,” he said. “They know and love and patronize that brand as a consumer, and so having the ability to also own one as an investment vehicle is oftentimes very reassuring,” he said.

Find out more about how Wawa is impacted by the real estate market in the Philadelphia Business Journal.

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