Phoenixville’s Transportation Projects Pave the Way for a Walkable Future


Phoenixville is kickstarting two major transportation construction projects to improve pedestrian safety and become walkable.
Image via Borough of Phoenixville.
Phoenixville is kickstarting two major transportation construction projects to improve pedestrian safety and become walkable.

In the borough’s efforts to become a fifteen-minute, walkable town, Phoenixville is kickstarting two major transportation construction projects that improve pedestrian safety, writes Kenny Cooper for WHYY. 

The first project includes a $849,775 grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation to revitalize Mowere Road. The total project will cost $1.4 million to reconstruct the road and create a crosswalk so people can access the Schuylkill River Trail.  

Since part of the road was washed out due to Hurricane Ida, officials also plan to overhaul the storm management features. Construction for the Mowere Road revitalization project begins in Spring of 2024.  

The second project is the Bridge Street and Starr Street Intersection in plans to improve pedestrian access, truck turning, and SEPTA bus turning. Between the two projects, the cost will be around $3 million.  

The county also rewarded an additional $727,278 grant for the Community Revitalization Program in order to transform and connect Phoenixville to other neighborhoods.  

Read more about plans to improve walkability and transportation in Phoenixville on WHYY.

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