Stock Up on Fresh Produce at Co-Ops and CSAs Around the Main Line


Fresh Produce.
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Fresh fruits and vegetables are essential for a healthy diet, and there is no better way to meet your daily requirements than by becoming involved in a local co-op or CSA.

A co-op is a producer-owned business operated for its members’ benefit, not outside investors, writes Rachel Spurlock for Main Line Today.

With a CSA or community-shared agriculture, customers pay for a share of produce from farmers before each growing season. It is a system that allows customers to be more directly involved.

Here are some of the top co-ops and CSAs in and around Montgomery County:

Swarthmore Community Food Market

Located at 341 Dartmouth Avenue in Swarthmore, Swarthmore Community Food Market grew out of the need for more fresh produce during the Great Depression. Today it is one of the largest co-ops in the area and everyone is invited to become a member.

Down to Earth Harvest

Located at 1585 Winfield Drive in Downingtown, Down to Earth Harvest CSA sends a list of available produce to its members each week. Orders can be picked up at the farm or in Bryn Mawr, Devon, Wynnewood, and other spots in the local area.

Kimberton CSA

Located at 415 W. Seven Stars Rd. in Phoenixville, Kimberton CSA was the first established in Pennsylvania. Harvest usually runs from late spring through Thanksgiving. Each week’s shares may vary depending on the harvest and the season.

Pennypack Farm & Education Center

Located at 685 Mann Road in Horsham, Pennypack Farm & Education Center allows its members to come to its market-style farm and choose their own produce which can vary throughout the year. Summer shares are sold out for 2023, but winter shares are still available.

Explore more co-ops and CSAs in Main Line Today.


More on Co-ops and CSAs.

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