Family Surprises 92-year-old Woman with Running Wheelchair for Pottstown 5K


For 92-year-old Eve Patterson, this Fourth of July was truly eventful, writes Matteo Iadonisi for 6ABC.

With a little help from her family, Patterson crossed the finish line at the 37th Annual Pottstown Patriotic 5K.

“One day, when I was visiting grandma, she said how she would have really liked to run with us,” said Kaitlyn Mendenhall, Patterson’s granddaughter. “And I said, Man, wouldn’t it be awesome if we could figure out a way to get her in a 5K?”

Together with her sister, Lindsey Engler, Mendenhall runs recreationally. They reached out to their running community to see what steps they needed to take to make their grandma’s dream come true.

They were told to connect with Ainsley’s Angels, which promotes inclusivity by providing running chairs to people of varying abilities. The organization was happy to lend a running chair to the family.

They waited until the morning of the race to surprise grandma with the news.

“I always wanted to do this, but I didn’t think I’d do it in a wheelchair,” said Patterson. “It worked out fine. They had nice equipment for me. And I smiled the whole time.”

Read more about Eve Patterson at 6ABC.

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