WaPo: Retired Ambler Postmaster Continues to ‘Acclimate’ Himself to Collegiate Baseball Team


Jim Fullan
Image via Facebook.
Jim Fullan.

Jim Fullan, the Ambler resident who retired from his well-paid job as a postmaster to play baseball for Montgomery County Community College, does not regret his decision, writes Sydney Page for The Washington Post.

While the first practice was difficult (he struck out on three pitches and almost quit the team), he decided to stick it out.

“I’ve been learning to acclimate myself,” he said.

Mike Fitzgerald, his coach, has been helping him in that process.

“He’s here because he can contribute,” said Fitzgerald. “He can put the ball in play.”

Fullan is the oldest player Fitzgerald has had on a team in his 25 years as coach.

“It didn’t surprise me that somebody wants to have their shot to play at this level; it surprised me that he stuck it out and that he could actually do it,” said Fitzgerald.

Fullan believes that he has come a long way since that first practice.

“I really do hit the ball pretty much every time now,” he said.

He also hopes his story will inspire others to go after what they want.

Read more about Jim Fullan in The Washington Post.


Retirees playing baseball isn’t a new phenomenon, as this report demonstrates. Few seniors, however, play collegiate ball.

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