After 70+ Years, Abington Couple Cherishes Each Other — and Their Independence


Image via Yahoo! News.
Veronica and Pat Pastuszak of Abington.

After 74 years together, Pat and Veronica Pastuszak still enjoy their connectedness while taking pride in their independence. Sue Scheible profiled the pair in Yahoo! News.

The 99-year-old wife and 102-year-old husband live in their Abington home that Pat built in 1951.

“We just take one day at a time,” he said. “We only go out to shop once or twice a week.”

Pat drives his Honda Pilot to a Stop & Shop or Trucchi’s Supermarket close to the couple’s home. There, Veronica uses a grocery cart in place of a walker.

“Once I grab hold of that, I can go all around,” she said.

Most of their time is spent in the comfort of a small den.

“He is always either on the computer, watching TV, or reading a book — sometimes all at once,” said Veronica.

She continues to cook simple meals (spaghetti) and do chores that include laundry.

They love it when family comes to visit, especially their two granddaughters, Danielle Pastuszak and Lauren Stevens, and their great-grandson Cole Michael Stevens.

“We are so lucky to have our grandparents in our lives,” said Stevens.

Read more about this dedicated Abington couple in Yahoo! News.


This BBC News report profiles a couple in Yemen married 91 years.

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