Two In-County Connections Make for Compelling Documentary Now Streaming on AMC+
Two Montgomery County connections converge in a documentary, Our American Family, currently streaming on an AMC+. Elizabeth Wellington reported the film’s Haverford-Ardmore settings in The Philadelphia Inquirer.
World of HA Productions, Haverford, produced the 87-minute documentary.
The narrative centers on Nicole, a 28-year-old Ardmore resident recovering from opioid addiction; she understandably prefers to keep her last name out of the film.
The audience sees a landmark year for Nicole: the 12 months after her one-year completion of rehab after 17 failed prior tries.
As the documentary opens, Nicole gives viewers a tour of the Ardmore treatment center that helped her. Its narrative then covers more recent accomplishments: gaining full-time employment and working to repair her long-damaged familial relationships.
Our American Family premiered at the 2021 Woodstock Film Festival, where it won the Audience Award for Best Documentary Feature. It also took honorable mention at last year’s Philadelphia Film Festival.
Hallee Adelman, the film’s co-director and producer in Haverford, wanted to shine a light on Nicole without criminalizing her.
“We were trying to humanize Nicole’s struggle,” Adelman said. “This family opened the doors to their homes at a time when most people would close their doors and deal with the hard work of recovery in private.”
More information on Our American Family is at The Philadelphia Inquirer.
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