Pottstown Distillery Partners with Local Shelter to Help Find Abandoned Doggies’ Forever Homes


Manatawny Still Works in Pottstown has partnered with Brandywine Valley SPCA on a project called Piper’s Pals to help find forever homes for abandoned dogs, writes Timothy Walton for abc6.

Piper the dog SPCA master distiller whiskey
Piper the Dog, MSW Mascot, image via 6abc video.

The project got its name from Piper, who is known as the distillery dog. She was adopted from a local shelter seven years ago when the distillery first opened by the main distiller Max Pfeffer.

“This is her place, Piper has kind of turned into our mascot,” said Pfeffer.

The distillery has been supporting local shelters for years, and donates a percentage of its vodka sales to help support abandoned animals. The latest projects focus on finding new homes for the long-term residents of Brandywine Valley SPCA with Piper’s Pals.

Manatawny Still Works will highlight the pooch both at the distillery as well as on its social media pages. Those who decide to adopt a dog will receive a gift basket that include a bottle of vodka and a shirt, among other items.

The adopters will also receive a tour of the facility.

Read more about the partnership at abc6.

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