The Lansdale Angel Has Devoted Herself to Helping Those Who are Homeless


The Lansdale Angel giving out food and other resources to the homeless.
Image via CBS News Philadelphia.
Linda Rowland is affectionately called the Lansdale angel for the work she does helping people dealing with homelessness.

Linda Rowland who lives in Lansdale is affectionately called the Lansdale angel for the work she does helping people dealing with homelessness, writes Raymond Strickland for CBS News Philadelphia.

She drives around Lansdale all day and night helping everywhere she can. She provides clothes, food, and even her own money.

“And sometimes I have to go out at 3 AM. It all depends on the need,” she said.

One man she has been helping for three years said, “It means everything. It’s my survival every day. She’s been a Godsend.”

Rowland has also been helping a few different people with stays in a hotel.

She said that the homelessness issue in Montgomery County has worsened since the only live-in shelter for adults in the county was closed.

She added that local and county officials need to do more to provide affordable housing units and shelters.

CBS News shared her concerns with Montgomery County Commissioners Jamila Winder and Neil Makhija who said they are working to find solutions.

The two officials pointed to “Your Way Home,” a program that has helped find homes for 8,000 people since 2014 and a call center that helps connect people with resources.

Read more about the Lansdale Angel at CBS News Philadelphia.


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