Bryn Mawr College Event Tackles Finding Solutions to Growing Homelessness Crisis


A homeless person tying their shoe.
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Almost 3,000 people in Montgomery County either slept outside or in a shelter during 2023.

HealthSpark Foundation based in Colmar recently hosted a conference on the homelessness crisis in Montgomery County at Bryn Mawr College, writes Rachel Ravina for The Reporter.

At the event, 250 people came together to brainstorm possible solutions. Participants in “Meeting the Moment: Taking Action on Homelessness and Affordable Housing in Montgomery County” included advocates, developers, first responders, and government leaders.

One of the biggest issues they discussed was how many Montgomery County residents were on the brink of being homeless because of the high cost of housing and other living expenses.

Kayleigh Silver, administrator of the Montgomery County Office of Housing and Community Development, explained that one-third of Montco residents are having difficulties keeping up with rent and mortgages.

HealthSpark Foundation President and CEO Emma Hertz pointed out, “In Montgomery County, historically affordable communities like Schwenksville, Hatfield and Pottsgrove…have seen rents and home (prices) increase by over 200 percent in some communities since 2019.”

She added that about 74,000 households in the county are living above the poverty line but below what it actually costs to live here.

All these factors, Silver said have led to an increase in homelessness. Almost 3,000 people either slept outside or in a shelter during 2023.

Read about possible solutions that were suggested during the conference at Bryn Mawr College in the Main Line Times & Suburban.


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