Norristown Fire Officials Reach Out to Residents After Large Water Main Break


A water main break floods roads in Norristown
Image via Norristown Fire Department, Facebook
The large water main break occurred at Penn and Cherry streets, causing flooding on many of the surrounding roads.

The Norristown Fire Department reached out to residents about a warming station after a large water main break early this morning, writes Alexandra Simon for MSN.

The large water main break occurred at Penn and Cherry streets, causing flooding on many of the surrounding roads.

Norristown Fire Chief Tom O’Donnell said that while there isn’t a mandatory evacuation at this point, water rescue team members went door-to-door early Monday morning to tell residents about a warming station at Norristown Fire Department’s Fairmount Station on West Main Street.

He added that once the valves are closed, the water levels should recede and then the 16-inch break can be repaired.

The repairs will most likely take all day.

The following road closures will most likely stay in place all day: Route 202 North at Main Street, Barbadoes Street at West Airy Street, Cherry Street at Main Street, and Penn Street at Swedes Street.

As of early this morning, fire officials said that about 300 properties are without water due to the main break, including two Montgomery County government buildings, and it is not clear if any properties have been flooded.

Read more about the Norristown Fire Department outreach and water main break repairs at MSN.


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