Popular Irish Restaurant in Wyndmoor Is Closing


Eric Connor with his dad, Mike, and his wife, Leigh Rarig.
Image via the Irish Star.
Eric Connor with his dad, Mike, and his wife, Leigh Rarig.

The Yankee Chipper, a popular neighborhood spot in Wyndmoor that specializes in Irish cuisine, is closing its doors for good, writes Fionnuala Boyle for the Irish Star.

The eatery was opened in 2021 by cousins Eric Connor and Shana Cox, who were inspired by their memorable upbringing in a “big Irish American household.”

The restaurant offered fish and chips, the plate loved and enjoyed by Irish people but with an American twist. The Yankee Chipper also offered locally sourced produce along with imported goods from Ireland, such as bangers, rashers, and Brennan’s brown bread.

But after three years of running the place, the cousins finally decided it was time to hang up their aprons.

“It was a hard decision but it had to be made,” said Connor. “I’m filled with a real sense of gratitude for the support I’ve had, the opportunity to serve the Irish community here and to promote traditional Irish culture and food the best I could.”

The pair, however, will still continue to brew their own beer after forging partnerships with local breweries and distributors.

The closing party for the restaurant will take place on January 31.

Read more about the Yankee Chipper and its take on Irish cuisine in the Irish Star.


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