Villanova Woman Crochets Hat for New Jersey Couple’s Baby During Flight


Villanova native Meegan Rubin helped a New Jersey couple have a pleasant flight with their baby by keeping the girl occupied with her crocheting, according to a staff report from 6abc.

The Levine family from Hoboken was worried how the baby would behave during the flight to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

But the 5-month-old Romey was perfect. She spent most of the flight mesmerized by Rubin, who was busy crocheting across the aisle.

Rubin was so touched when she noticed the girl watching her work that she decided to surprise her by crocheting a hat for her mid-flight.

“The baby was amazing and she was so cute and I went for it,” said Rubin. “I had all the supplies and they were matching her outfit.”

When Romey put on the hat, passengers on the plane cheered for the baby and how well it fit her.

The video has gone viral, with more than seven million views on TikTok.

The couple said they feel blessed that the encounter brought so much joy to so many people because it is about kindness and generosity.

Read more about Meegan Rubin and her extraordinary kindness to her fellow flight passengers at 6abc.

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