Narberth’s GET Café Is a Coffee Shop Where All Abilities Are Welcome


GET Café in Narberth has a mission: it offers employment opportunities to people with disabilities along with a social space where they can truly thrive, writes Corey Davis for 6abc.

Individuals who work at GET Café making coffee and sandwiches are able to sharpen their skills in the process.

“It’s an opportunity for me to utilize more skills,” said barista Dillon Shea. “I guess when it’s busy, it’s a little stressful but you just have to keep your cool and just keep going.”

The 35-year-old Shea is one of over 50 employees and volunteers with disabilities who got an opportunity to work at GET Café, which promotes inclusion and opportunity.

The nonprofit GET Included was founded in 2015 by Brooke Goodspeed with GET Café getting started in 2019.

“It stands for Great Expectations Together,” said Goodspeed.

For the founder, the cause is personal.

“I have three children and my 13-year-old son has multiple disabilities, including non-verbal autism,” she said.

“I recognize that employment settings that we have today don’t have a place for him as I set out to really change that for him and others like him.”

Read more about GET Café at 6abc.

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