Award-Winning Elverson Distillery Launches New Gin as It Prepares for International Expansion


A person pouring a glass of Revivalist Gin.
Image via Main Line Tonight.
With a new gin, this Elverson distillery has plans for national and international expansion.

Revivalist, the award-winning Elverson distillery, recently launched a new gin and is now preparing to expand its sales both nationwide and around the globe, writes Melissa Jacobs for Main Line Tonight.

The company previously known as Brandywine Branch Distillery has recently rebranded as Botanery Barn, which is now the umbrella brand for Revivalist Gin and Resurgent Botanical Whiskeys, both of which have retained their names.

The new name is a nod to the all-natural, botanical ingredients that the distillery infuses into its gins and bourbons. The name is part of an expansion plan that owners, brothers Scott and Don Avellino, have been working on for two years.

“Botanery is a word we created that combines ‘botanicals’ and ‘distillery’ and speaks to what defines our gins and bourbons,” said Scott.

The brothers created the new Revivalist Garden Gin specifically to hit national and international markets. True to the new name of the company, Garden Gin is made using botanical ingredients, instead of just being flavored with them.

“We’ll continue to sell our other products locally in Pennsylvania, but Garden Gin is the one we’re launching to the rest of the world,” said Don.

Read more about Revivalist and its international expansion in Main Line Tonight.


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