Jenkintown’s Bradley Cooper’s Devotion to Hometown and Philadelphia Eagles Soars Above Stardom


Bradley Cooper in Maestro.
Image via Netflix.
Maestro is a biopic on the American composer and conductor Leonard Bernstein. It will stream on Netflix on December 20, but there has already been a lot of Oscar buzz.

Superstar Bradley Cooper is known for his hometown pride, especially when it comes to the Philadelphia Eagles, but recently he took it to another level.

First, he told Howard Stern that if he had to choose between an Oscar win for Maestro and a Superbowl win for the Eagles, he would choose the Eagles win all the way.

Maestro is a biopic on the American composer and conductor Leonard Bernstein. It will stream on Netflix on December 20, but there has already been a lot of Oscar buzz.

Cooper has been nominated nine times for an Oscar but hasn’t yet won. Despite that, he would choose an Eagles’ Superbowl victory over his own personal win.

Next, he showed up at his 30th high school reunion at Chestnut Hill Brewing Company and even wore a name tag that simply read, “Bradley”, according to Fox 29.

Cooper grew up in Jenkintown and Rydal and attended Germantown Academy. He graduated in 1993.

Read more about Bradley Cooper and his love for the Eagles at Yahoo News.


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