You Can Make Your Own Aromatic Candles at These Montco Studios


Love n' Honey Candles.
Image via Love n' Honey Candles..
Love n' Honey Candles.

Whether you are looking to start a new hobby or just want a fun way to pass the time, candle-making classes are a good choice, writes Laura Brzyski for the Philadelphia Magazine.

In addition to making your own candles that smell amazing, you will learn a new skill and expand your definition of self-care in the process.

There are several studios in Montgomery County that offer candle-making classes.

Cork & Candles in King of Prussia boasts a library of scents with more than 70 fragrances that you can combine to create your unique blend. Each candle you make in the class uses two scents and you can also decorate it with crystals or flower pieces.

Plymouth Meeting’s Love n’ Honey Candles is a woman-owned candle company that offers 90-minute candle-making classes during where you get to make two 10-ounce candles using fragrances made from essential oils along with coconut wax.

Meanwhile, at family-owned, fragrance-focused Scent & Sip in Lansdale, you can create candles but also lotions, soaps, body scrubs, diffusers, perfume, pet shampoo, and much more.

Read more about where to make your own aromatic candles in the Philadelphia Magazine.


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