Another Montgomery County Farm Is Preserved


Farmland preservation Pennsylvania.
Image via iStock.

The Pennsylvania Preservation Program has been adding 35 farms, 2,044 acres in 18 counties, including another farm in Montgomery County, writes Paul Vigna for PennLive.

In Montgomery County, the Ellen Renninger Farm #1, a 20-acre crop farm in Douglas Township, was recently preserved.

The total investment in the county was $208,317.56. The state invested $168,863.56, while the county gave $39,454.

“‘No farms, no food’ is the battle cry for farmland preservation across the country,” Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding said.

“Pennsylvania has led that charge, and families who preserve their farms join forces with government, investing together to ensure that future Pennsylvania families will have green spaces and healthy farmland available to produce food, income, and jobs.”

To see the full list of farms preserves per county, read more at PennLive.


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