MLB’s Christian Walker, a Norristown Native, Always Grounds Himself Before a Game


Christian Walker at bat.
Image via Arizona Diamondbacks.

Norristown’s Christian Walker, the first baseman for the Arizona Diamondback’s always takes a walk barefoot on the stadium grass before games, and he is not alone in this practice, writes Janie McCauley for Associated Press.

He is a part of a growing trend in the MLB to practice “Grounding” or “Earthing”.

Going on a barefoot stroll on the manicured grass of the stadium is thought to have a calming effect. It is also the perfect opportunity to stretch and enjoy some fresh air and quiet time.

Walker has been a devout barefoot walker for almost a decade now. He uses this time before the game kicks off to connect his mind and body.

Players like Walker who participate in barefoot walking say it gives the feet a chance to move without the constraints of shoes which can help decrease pain and inflammation as well as lower stress.

While no study has yet confirmed that grounding improves performance, the players who practice it believe it does.

“The science of grounding is harnessing the earth’s energy,” Walker, a Kennedy-Kenrick High School graduate, explained.

Read more about barefoot walking in The Philadelphia Inquirer.


More on Christian Walker.

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