Montgomery County Dentists Offer Tips on How to Keep Your Teeth White


Teeth whitening Montgomery County.
Image via iStock.

Teeth whiteness depends on many factors, including genetics, diet, and even any medications that you take, writes Gina Lizzo for Main Line Today.

Dr. Tara Sexton of Bala Cynwyd’s Main Line Smiles explained that some prescription drugs can impact your teeth, such as tetracycline, an antibiotic that is commonly used to treat acne and skin infections.

However, there are ways to combat yellowing, including visiting your dentist twice a year for a cleaning and an exam.

Another way to reduce the shifting of your teeth color is to use a reusable straw to sip your coffee, tea, cola, or red wine, and when you are finished, to thoroughly rinse your mouth with water.

Dr. David Block, a Narberth-based dentist, recommended three main ways to whiten your teeth. These are over-the-counter strips, custom-made trays, and in-office procedures.

“I like tray bleaching the best,” he said.

The process creates plastic retainers modeled by the person’s teeth that hold a bleaching agent.

“You get the most control and a better long-term result,” said Block.

Sexton also recommends at-home professional whitening gels used with custom bleaching trays.

Read more tips on how to keep your teeth white in Main Line Today.


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