‘Race for Peace’ Basketball Game in Lower Merion Aims to Create a Better Place


race for peace representative
Image via CBS News Philadelphia.
Alim Howell of Race for Peace.

A May basketball game between members of the Lower Merion community and township police officers is being positioned as a community-relations building event. Danielle Elllis, of CBS News Philadelphia, reported the game, organized by Race for Peace, a cross-county coalition working to build trust between residents and law enforcement officers.

The event at Lower Merion High School is region-wide, befitting of the Race for Peace scope.

The organization of this touch point as a basketball game was purposeful. Alim Howell, Race for Peace committee member, said that it’s a natural unifier, well-suited to bringing people together.

“It’s a little less controversial than other topics, such as a forum, a debate, or a town hall meeting,” said Howell. “So, we try to do our Race for Peace events through sports because it’s less controversial, and everyone is having fun, and it’s not so serious.”

The event, which will be held inside the Kobe Bryant gymnasium, is currently in its eighth year. It presents a great way to showcase police officers in a setting that is more positive.

“Certain events like this put police officers in a better light and then it makes them look good throughout the community,” said Howell.

Read more about the game at CBS News Philadelphia.


Sports as community-builder has proven to be a worthwhile approach nationwide.

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