Move from Fishtown to the Suburbs Helps Philadelphia Snack Company Be More Efficient


From left, Colin Balickie, Evie's father Bob Ackerley, and Evie Ackerley.
Image via Evie's Snacks.
From left, Colin Balickie, Evie's father Bob Ackerley, and Evie Ackerley.

After a Philadelphia-based snack brand made its debut, it decided to move its operations to West Chester in hopes of broadening its retail market, writes Lisa Dukart for the Philadelphia Business Journal

Evie’s Snacks creates better-for-you food that focuses primarily on pecans. The goal is to show the nut in a different way than most consumers have come to expect. 

“I felt like there was just a big opportunity and a lot of fun that could be had doing that,” said Eve Ackerley, who founded the company in 2022. 

The brand offers its own take on sweet varieties that have less sugar than other brands. Its current five unique pecan flavors include sweet anise, smoked chili, and banana bread. 

Currently, they are currently sold mostly through e-commerce and remain headquartered in Philadelphia, but Ackerley hopes to expand to retail soon. In working toward that goal, Evie’s Snacks, which started working out of the commissary kitchen at Liberty Kitchen in Fishtown, has relocated to West Chester. 

Now, the brand has a dedicated space within the Artisan Exchange that is helping “make the nuts efficiently.” 

Read more about Evie’s Snacks in the Philadelphia Business Journal.


Evie’s Snacks unique variety of roasted pecan snacks are made from the highest-quality pecans, straight from their family-owned orchards in south Texas.

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