Montco Residents Want to Know: Where’s Our Vaccines?
Montgomery County is frustrated it is receiving fewer doses of vaccine by population than counties much smaller, writes Maria Panaritis for The Philadelphia Inquirer.
Officials have requested that FEMA set up a vaccination site in the collar counties to get more doses to the 2.5 million residents in the four-county area, including Montgomery County.
A Philadelphia Inquirer analysis shows: Montgomery County, second of the three most populous with 830,915 residents, ranked 20th in doses — 17,667 per 100,000 residents.
No. 1 statewide: Montour County, 61st in population with just 18,230 residents north of Harrisburg. It received 164,153 doses per 100,000 people.
Philadelphia, by comparison, is faring twice as well.
The state’s Health Department is promising results of a county-by-county analysis in a few days.
Read more at The Philadelphia Inquirer about Montgomery County and the surrounding counties’ vaccine difficulties.
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