Abington Friends School Honors the 2024 Upper School Academic and Co-Curricular Recognition Awardees
Every year, Abington Friends School (AFS) Upper School Faculty Members select a group of students who exemplify the ethos of the School across departments and program areas — students who share their gifts, demonstrate their dedication to craft and subject, and go beyond what is expected of them at every opportunity.
Abington Friends School congratulations to this year’s recipients, as follows:
Greg Salmon Award: Mayalondyn Gray
Campbell Family Service Award: Hannah Rozenbaum
Instrumental Music Virtuoso Award: Ryann Savior
Strings Virtuoso Award: Stella Simpson
Music Award for Service and Leadership: Noah Yoon
Theatre Award for Performance: Sadie Mills
Studio Art Award: Sophia Wang
Photographer Exemplar: Kayla Walker and Rainey Flak
English Department Award: Audrey Cobbs
Mary Helen Bickley Award: Kathereen Jean
History Department Award: Alejandro Perez-Fernandez and Kathereen Jean
Mathematics Department Award: Sophia Wang
Science Department Award: Sasha Van Steenburgh
Abington Friends School cultivates fearless, curious learning in a culture of intellectual and creative ambition. Engaged and purposeful in every moment, students leave AFS with clear, strong, and thoughtful voices, prepared for lives of meaning and accomplishment.
In this Friends school environment, children develop deep roots of inner strength and the ability to thrive in dynamic settings and make the most of their future college and professional communities. AFS is a school that joyfully embodies its mission. Our students are fully immersed in the classroom experience, in the arts, on playing fields and in the precious times they enjoy just being together on the playgrounds or in the Student Commons.
Community and classroom life is rooted in a profound respect for individuals, Quaker attunement to finding spiritual meaning in day-to-day life, and an intellectually powerful capacity for the collaborative search for truth and deeper understanding.
Learn more at Abington Friends School.
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