What Are You Giving Power to in Your Life?


what could be
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The language you speak to yourself has a very powerful impact on your results.
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People who focus only on “what is” will create more of “what is” in their life: more of the same old, same old. People who focus mostly on “what could be” — possibilities and opportunities — will begin to create more of “what could be” in their lives.

The language you speak to yourself and the language you speak to the world has a very powerful impact on your results.

Be present and notice what you say to yourself; listen to your thoughts for a couple of days. What are you giving power to in your life? What are you creating a space for? Are you feeding what you want to grow inside your head? Are you planting seeds of success or failure in your head? Are you giving more power to the positive or the negative in your life and your business? Remember, as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

What we focus on expands. We need to expand rather than contract our thinking and our world. What we focus on becomes our reality, and the language we use creates our reality. So, let’s use the language of possibility and declare an all-out war on destructive thought patterns and negative thinking. Embrace the belief of possibility. If we say life is hard, it will be hard.

The words we say to ourselves all day long create our feelings, attitudes, our emotional and physiological states. Our self-talk can influence our self-esteem, our outlook, our energy level, and ultimately our performance in every area of our life. Erase the thoughts of yesterday that would rob us of today’s happiness.

We cannot stop our internal dialogue, but we can direct it to more empowering attitudes and beliefs. Peak-performing and high-achieving people have learned to harness the power of affirmations and make them work to produce even greater success. When you perform well, achieve your goals, or just expand your comfort zone, then congratulate yourself with positive feedback affirmations. Get the junk out of the trunk.

When you make a mistake, recognize it is just that: a mistake, a learning on the way to success. Fear of failure is one of the biggest obstacles on the way to success. Let yourself be OK with mistakes and reframe them as learning experiences on the way to continued growth. Learn more at Achievable.com.

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