Delaware Valley University Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies Co-Edits Book on Graduate Enrollment Management


Joe Paris in suit on left and book cover on right
Image via Delaware Valley University.
Delaware Valley University Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies Joseph Paris recently announced the release of his book.

Delaware Valley University Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies Joseph Paris recently announced the release of his book, “A Comprehensive Guide to Graduate Enrollment Management: Advancing Research and Practice”, which he co-edited with Stanley J. Kania.

It is the first book co-edited by Paris who also contributed as author and co-author of several chapters in the book. As editors, Paris and Kania meticulously curated chapters from nearly one hundred proposals from leading experts around the country, shaping them into cohesive chapters that explore the nuances of graduate enrollment management.

Kania currently serves as assistant dean of admissions and enrollment and assistant professor in the Department of Family, Community and Preventative Medicine at Drexel University College of Medicine.

In an era when the importance of graduate education is on the rise, institutions of all sizes grapple with pressing questions and the development and implementation of innovative strategies.

Through compelling case studies, cutting-edge research, and thought-provoking discussions, this comprehensive guide captivates a diverse audience, including faculty members, scholars, and graduate admissions professionals.

“The book is intended for several audiences including faculty members who are involved in mentoring graduate students and are often involved in the role of evaluating graduate admissions applications but may not necessarily have a lot of background in how that process works,” said Paris.

Paris’ motivation to edit the book stemmed from his career experience that spans undergraduate admissions to graduate level enrollment and admissions processes at various universities.

Unlike DelVal, where undergraduate and graduate enrollments have increased over the last few years, many institutions nationwide are facing challenges related to a declining undergraduate population in the U.S. due to demographic shifts, prompting discussions on revenue diversification.

Paris was recently elected to serve on the NAGAP board as the research chair and will be honored alongside Kania with the promotion of excellence award for their work on the book.

The book is available for purchase now through Routledge’s website and book retailers.

Read more about Joseph Paris’s new book on Delaware Valley University’s website.

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