Should You Use Group Coaching in 2024?


Group Coaching
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Group coaching focused on common traits or developmental areas is a powerful tool for building cohesive teams.

Do you want your leaders to operate better in 2024? Doesn’t your overall business rely on having great teams that work together well towards common goals? Have you considered using a group coaching process to catapult how those leaders work to accomplish their success?

Group coaching is emerging as a powerful tool within organizations. Unlike traditional methods of team building which often involves pre-designed activities and experiences, such as ropes courses or building Tinker Toy models in an effort to build relationships among the team, group coaching offers a unique approach to developing leaders that have a common trait or development area (e.g. first time managers, high potential leaders, etc.) but still allows for the personal 1:1 coaching and development. 

Why Should You Use Group Coaching?

  1. Horizontal Skill Building & Development: Coaching a group of individuals that are moving towards the same purpose allows for a greater volume of development vs. coaching everyone on a 1:1 basis. Group participants learn about the common development needs and then work with an individual coach on a 1:1 basis to personally develop in that area.  For example, a group of new managers can read a set of articles or watch select videos, discuss, and reflect on the content of these and then collaborate with a coach on a 1:1 basis to identify their personal growth and development areas.
  2. Fosters cross-divisional collaboration:  Groups that are composed of individuals from across the organization that are learning common content and defining their goals together find themselves building the internal network support that they will rely on through their day-to-day operations after the coaching engagement has finished. The natural by-product of a group going through an experience together is increased collaboration and communication. Higher trust levels are in play. Additionally, group coaching facilitates the sharing of best practices and knowledge exchange among team members. By bringing together individuals with diverse backgrounds and expertise, group coaching creates a rich learning environment where team members can leverage each other’s skills and insights.
  3. Drives Increased ROI:  Group coaching allows an organization to expand its scope of development of a like group of individuals and get a “bigger bang” for its buck. Because of the reduced investment in coaching, monies can be reallocated for other parts of the business. Additionally, any group that is performing better in the organization with increased skills and collaboration across the organization is going to contribute to the overall return of investment for the organization.

A newly appointed CEO visited each division within the business to listen to the key needs and challenges of the organization. He wanted to successfully usher the business out of Covid and transform its command-and-control culture to one of collaboration and driving decision making to all levels of the organization.

A group and individual coaching process was implemented to identify behaviors to support the desired new culture. Leadership sessions were conducted, were followed by team, and individual coaching support to drive the required changes.

The impact? The organizational culture is now one that is fostering greater retention, cross divisional collaboration and problem solving. Employees are committed to the organization’s success.

In conclusion, as the business landscape continues to evolve, investing in group coaching can provide a competitive advantage by enabling teams to adapt, innovate, and thrive in today’s dynamic environment.

Next Steps

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  • If you like to work with a coach to help you develop your self-awareness and emotional intelligence, book a call with me to chat!
  • Want to share with VISTA readers how your business is developing its emotional intelligence?  We’d love to highlight you!  Contact me at

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