N.Y. Times: Welcoming Center CEO Anuj Gupta Is Among the Voices Advocating for Immigrants in the Workforce


Anuj Gupta.
Image via LinkedIn.
Anuj Gupta, President of The Welcoming Center in Philadelphia, is a strong advocate for the inclusion of immigrants in the U.S. workforce. He leds the organization that provides niew immigrants with the tools, skills, and resources to get acclimated to the U.S. workforce.

As the United States economy continues its stronger-than-expected pandemic recovery, immigrants have been a key part of the equation, writes Lydia DePillis for The New York Times

Thanks to a resumption in visa processing in 2021 and 2022, a jump-start in employment has taken place that has allowed foreign-born workers to fill some of the holes in the labor force caused by the pandemic shutdowns.

Immigrants also help replenish the workforce as birth rates decline and older people retire. 

The U.S. has also seen its highest net migration since 2017, as foreign-born individuals now comprise 18.6 percent of the labor force.

International instability, economic crises, war, and natural disasters have led to an increase in arrivals who could help continue closing the gap between labor demand and job candidates. However, incendiary politics could put a damper on some prospects.

While immigration is a partisan issue, some, including the President and CEO of The Welcoming Center in Philadelphia, believe this should not be the case.

“This should be as bipartisan an issue as an issue can get in 2024 because the economy demands it, employers want it, and the individuals who are coming, they’re in search of work,” said Anuj Gupta

Read more about the critical role immigrants play in strengthening the U.S. workforce at The New York Times


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