A Mount Airy Couple Shares Why They Downsized to a Smaller Montco Abode


Eileen DiFranco holds a photograph of her old home in East Mount Airy.
Image via Colin Lenton, Philadelphia Magazine.
Eileen DiFranco holds a photograph of her old home in East Mount Airy.

Many baby boomers are facing tough decisions about whether it is time to downsize to a smaller residence, writes Sandy Smith for Philadelphia Magazine.

One Mounty Airy couple shares what the process was like for them.

Larry and Eileen DiFranco’s move from a 3,465-square-foot seven-bedroom Tudor house in East Mount Airy to a three-bedroom colonial house in Flourtown in 2020 was a decision 7 years in the making.

Larry is an associate broker at Elfant Wissahickon Realtors and Eileen is the pastor at St. Mary Magdalene Community.

They updated their kitchen in 2013, planning on enjoying the renovation for a few years before moving out.

They also slowly got the rest of their home ready for sale. They needed to replace the 108-year-old terra-cotta roof as well as the electrical system and put in new dining room windows.

They weren’t yet actively looking for their new home when they came across a perfect opportunity. It was a house right across the street from the home of one of their sons.

“It just made sense to live nearby,” Larry said. “I work with him. They have two children, and it was nice to be near our grandchildren.”

Read other stories of Philadelphia homeowners who decided to downsize and how they feel about the decision now at Philadelphia Magazine.


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