ChristianaCare Releases More Details About Planned ‘Neighborhood Hospital’ in West Grove


ChristianaCare, a Delaware-based health system, offers more details on the opening of its planned "neighborhood hospital" in West Grove. A rendering of part of the hospital is pictured above.
Image via ChristianaCare.
ChristianaCare, a Delaware-based health system, offers more details on the opening of its planned "neighborhood hospital" in West Grove. A rendering of part of the hospital is pictured above.

ChristianaCare, a Delaware-based health system, has provided more details on the opening of its planned “neighborhood hospital” in West Grove, including a later expected opening date, writes John George for Philadelphia Business Journal.

The medical center that will open at the shuttered Jennersville Hospital will have ten inpatient beds open 24 hours a day, seven days a week for patients who need overnight stays.

In addition, the new hospital will have an emergency department with as many beds for “common emergency care needs” including falls, injuries, heart attacks, and strokes.

ChristianaCare will also provide patients and providers with access to its network of specialists and support services through virtual consults.

There will be no intensive care unit or operating rooms. Patients suffering from more acute problems or those who require surgery will be taken to a larger hospital where they can get a higher level of care.

The new hospital was previously expected to open in late 2024, but the new projected timeline currently has the opening in early 2025.

ChristianaCare also plans to build a new medical office building on the West Grove campus for primary care, women’s health, outpatient diagnostics, and cardiology services, among others.

Read more about ChristianaCare setting up in West Grove for next year in Philadelphia Business Journal.


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