King of Prussia Students Help Decorate a Local Charity’s Christmas Tree


Students at Mother Teresa Catholic School in King of Prussia wanted to thank local charity BLOCS for offering need-based scholarships to students, so they decided to help decorate the charity’s tree, writes Matteo Iadonisi for 6abc.

BLOCS which stands for “Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Schools” provides about 17,000 scholarships each year to school children in the Philadelphia region.

“We get countless thank you letters from our students, for all the tuition assistance that we provide them throughout the year,” said Katie Rose Thornton, director of marketing and communications for BLOCS.

“But this year, they found out that we don’t have any ornaments for our tree.”

Some of the students wanted to come to the office to decorate it, but Thornton said because so many kids wanted to participate, BLOCS brought the tree to the kids.

Students in grades 2-4 joined in the fun event, making ornaments and decorating the tree.

The tree will be moved back to BLOCS where it will be reassembled with all kids’ special designs.

Read more about how the children at Mother Teresa Catholic School in King of Prussia said a special thank you at 6abc.

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