Keith Valley Middle School Student Saves His Friend Using Heimlich Maneuver


Ethan Williams, a seventh grader at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, recently saved his classmate Bryce Henry’s life by using the Heimlich maneuver, writes Matteo Iadonisi for 6abc.

“It was a type of thing where it was like a quick reaction, but it was also kind of scary at the same time,” said Williams.

The two twelve-year-old students were having lunch at school last week when Henry started to choke on an apple. Several students rushed to his side before Williams started to perform the Heimlich maneuver and managed to dislodge the stuck food piece from his friend’s throat.

“While I was choking, everything was a little bit blurry and stuff,” said Henry. “He, like, grabbed my stomach and I didn’t know what was happening. And then he did the Heimlich. He literally saved my life.”

Williams learned the life-saving maneuver earlier this year as a sixth-grade student. He learned how to do it from his family and consumer sciences teacher, Maureen Carroll.

“I’m so proud of him because he listened,” said Carroll. “He learned. He recognized what was happening and he acted so fearlessly. It validates all the hard work that we put into teaching.”

Read more about Ethan Williams’ heroic efforts at Keith Valley Middle School as he saved his friend using the Heimlich maneuver at 6abc.

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