Montgomery County Boy Scouts Leader Inspires Son to Be Community Leader


For Michael Frederick, a Troop 73 Boy Scouts of America leader in Upper Frederick Township, being an active member of the community is very important, writes Nick Iadonisi for 6abc.

Besides his work with the Boy Scouts where he teaches the scouts what it means to be a good citizen, he is also a volunteer firefighter.

Frederick hopes to pass on his passion for community leadership and giving back to others to his son who is an Eagle Scout candidate.

“It gets crazy, but you find time for the things that mean the most to you. It’s very important, so somehow you find it,” he said.

“Just looking at everything he does…it just shows that he truly cares about his community…no matter where he is…if you need something, one phone call and he’s there,” Assistant Scoutmaster Bob Ramsey said.

Read more about Michael Frederick, a well-respected Montgomery County Boy Scouts leader, at 6abc.

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