Oh Deer! Drivers Cautioned to Be Extra Watchful This Time Year


Image via Jonathan Wilkins via Wikimedia Commons.

The Pennsylvania Game Commission is urging drivers to slow down and be extra cautious on deer crossing roads this time of year, writes WPXI staff.

The commission explained that it is almost the fall breeding season, so bucks are traveling into new areas in their search for does.

This means they will be on roads more and as daylight-saving time comes to an end, there will also be more cars on the road between dusk and dawn when deer are most active.

“While the peak of the whitetail rut is still a few weeks off, deer already are spending more time on the move and are bound to be crossing roads more often,” said Game Commission Executive Director Bryan Burhans.

“While motorists always should remain alert while driving, it’s especially important now in the coming weeks to be on the lookout for whitetails.”

He said the best way to avoid a collision with a deer is to be on the lookout for “Deer Crossing” signs on roads and to remember that deer often travel in groups so even if you passed one successfully there may be more up ahead on the road.

Read more about how to protect yourself from a collision with a deer at WPXI.


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