Montgomery County the Tastiest Destination for Everything Pumpkin-Flavored


Hope’s Cookies has created a pumpkin spice white chocolate chip cookie that is a favorite among pumpkin spice fans.
Image via Hope's Cookies via Facebook.
Hope’s Cookies has created a pumpkin spice white chocolate chip cookie that is a favorite among pumpkin spice fans.

Nothing says it is fall quite like pumpkin spice. People start getting excited about pumpkin-flavored treats even before the summer is officially over.

If you are on the hunt for the tastiest of the bunch, then look no further than the Main Line area, writes Claire Chmiel for Main Line Today.

Montgomery County and all along the Main Line, bakeries and other sweet destinations are serving up the yummiest pumpkin-flavored creations around.

Here is just a sampling.

The Bakery House

Located at 604 W Lancaster House in Bryn Mawr, The Bakery House serves up lots of seasonal treats, including pumpkin chiffon pie and pumpkin pound loafs. A gluten-free version of the pie is available.

Hope’s Cookies

Located at 1125 E Lancaster Avenue in Bryn Mawr, Hope’s Cookies has created a pumpkin spice white chocolate chip cookie that is a favorite among pumpkin spice fans. For true decadence, ask to have ice cream sandwiched between two cookies.

Rosie’s Coffee at Villanova Station

Located at 308 N Spring Road in Villanova, Rosie’s Coffee at Villanova Station has the perfect beverages for those fall mornings, everything from a classic pumpkin spice latte to the Salem Fog, which is basically an Earl Grey with pumpkin pie syrup, milk, and pumpkin spice on top.

Read a more detailed listing of sweet pumpkin-flavored destinations at Main Line Today.


Origin of pumpkin spice.

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