Proposal for Limerick Commerce Center on Possum Hollow Road Advances


Limerick mugs and shirts and other items.
Image via Holly Herman at Patch.
The project led by CB Limerick LLC will also include 30,000 square feet of retail space, a loading dock, parking, and stormwater facilities.

Limerick Township supervisors have given the township solicitor the green light to prepare a resolution for the Limerick Commerce Center on Possum Hollow Road, writes Holly Herman at Patch.

The plan for the property details the development of four warehouses that will be built on a 117.9 acre tract of land near the Philadelphia Premium Outlets, Cosco and Chick-fil-A off Route 422.

The warehouse buildings will cover a million square feet on West Lightcap and Possum Hollow Road.

The project led by CB Limerick LLC will also include 30,000 square feet of retail space, a loading dock, parking, and stormwater facilities.

Plans also include the construction of a private road connecting West Lightcap Road at the light at the Philadelphia Premium Outlets to Sanatoga Road.

Read more about additional plans to convert Possum Hollow Road to a trail at Patch.


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