Ardmore’s Lu & Aug’s Adds a Touch of Elegance to Soft-Serve Ice Cream


Lou & Aug's unique style of affogato.
Image via Lu & Aug's.
At Lu & Aug’s, named after the owners’ children, Lailya and Augustine, the affogato offerings are as varied as they are delicious.

Lu & Aug’s, an ice cream parlor that opened in Ardmore just a few weeks ago, is already causing quite a stir, writes Ben Silver for Main Line Today.

Ash and Pretha Kailath took up ice cream making during the COVID-19 pandemic and have already perfected a unique style of affogato, which when translated from Italian to English means “drowned.”

Affogato is simply put soft ice cream covered in espresso, but at Lu & Aug’s, named after the owners’ children, Lailya and Augustine, the affogato offerings are as varied as they are delicious.

Customers can choose from half a dozen affogato options, ranging from the dirty chai to salted caramel.

But don’t worry, if you are craving a simple cone or a milkshake, they have that too. For people with dietary restrictions, there are tasty offerings like the oat-based vegan vanilla as well.

“It’s not just exclusively affogato, we’ve also gone into making sure there’s milkshakes, and when you go in there with a family or with a date, there’s always going to be something you want to try out,” Ash Kailath said.

Read more about the unique type of affogato Lu & Aug’s is serving up in the Main Line Today.


How to make affogato at home.

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