Glenside Doctor Explains Summer Respiratory Viruses and Summer Colds


Dr. Dana Mincer Glenside.
Image via Glenside Local.

Dr. Dana Mincer of Glenside recently wrote about common summer illnesses in the Glenside Local.

She explained that respiratory infections don’t just occur during the winter months. Certain viruses like rhinovirus, adenovirus and respiratory syncytial virus or RSV also can cause you to fall sick in the warmer months too.

These viruses can lead to a variety of illnesses including summer colds, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

If you get hit by a summer cold, Dr. Mincer says not to panic. Expect your symptoms to last seven to ten days. And sometimes a hacking cough will linger for two weeks.

It is not necessary to stay couped up in the house with a summer cold, so be sure to get outside and soak up some vitamin D and fresh air.

Practicing yoga and breathing exercises can also strengthen your immune system and help you fight off the cold faster.

If you are having trouble breathing though, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.

Read more tips from Dr. Mincer in the Glenside Local.


More from Dr. Dana.

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