Collegeville Fitness Instructor Adds a Whole Other Dimension to Her Zumba Classes


Aqua Zumba Collegeville.
Image via iStock.

Jamie Parker, a Collegeville Zumba instructor, is making a big splash with her Aqua Zumba classes, writes Courtney H. Diener-Stokes for The Mercury.

With Aqua Zumba, you still get to enjoy the upbeat music and choreographed dances moves of Zumba. By performing the routines in water, however, you will add an extra level of resistance to your workout.

Parker first got introduced to Aqua Zumba ten years ago at a fitness convention. Today, she offers classes at Valley Forge Towers residential facility as well as at private pools within an hour of Collegeville.

According to Parker, Aqua Zumba is a good fit for all.

“It’s great for all bodies, even if you have former injuries or issues with joints,” she said. “It’s really good for anybody because it’s lower impact.”

She explained that the water ensures that you engage your muscles in a different way than you do on land.

“There are muscles you didn’t know you have when in the water,” said Parker.

She added that classes offer benefits for the whole body, both in cardio and strength, and are appropriate for any fitness level and body type.

Read more about Aqua Zumba in The Mercury.


What is Aqua Zumba?

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