Five Common Workplace Scams

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We all know that fake job postings, especially in the remote arena, are common scams. However, even legitimate employers can participate in illegal practices. Here are five workplace scams to watch out for, according to Forbes.  

Wage Theft 

Being asked to perform work duties off-the-clock without pay violates labor laws. If employees work over 40 hours a week they must be paid for overtime. Sometimes to avoid paying minimum wage, employers can hire people as independent contractors.  

Internship Violations 

Internships are a great opportunity for emerging workers to get the experience that they need. Ashley Stahl writes that U.S. Labor laws require that the intern must be the “primary beneficiary” of the experience.  


To avoid paying taxes or providing benefits, employers might misclassify full-time employees as freelancers. They might also be misclassified as “independent contractors.” 


Despite diversity, equity, and inclusion practices implemented in the workplace, many employees belonging to marginalized groups say they still feel like they are being treated unfairly due to their identities.  

Not Following Through on Promises 

False promises to lure employees, like a potential raise or promotion would be considered a scam. Despite being morally wrong, empty promises are still commonplace.  

Read more about scams to be wary of in the workplace in Forbes.  

CBS News on how companies get away with wage theft.


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