8 Candidates Across 2 Parties Seek 4 Primary Ballot Slots to Fill 3 Open Montgomery County Commissioner Seats


Montgomery County Board of Commissioners
Image via YouTube.

Vacancies on the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners are drawing bipartisan interest. The window to toss a hat into the May Primary Election ring closed Mar. 14, making Andrew Seidman’s job of reporting the field for The Philadelphia Inquirer an accurate assessment of the upcoming primary.

Two board vacancies resulted from Democratic exits, one past, one coming.

Commissioner chair Val Arkoosh resigned in January to join newly-elected Governor Josh Shaprio‘s administration in Harrisburg.

Commissioner Ken Lawrence has decided that his term’s December end will allow him to embrace other priorities.

The Democratic breakdown is:

On the Republican side are:

Detail on the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners primary election is at The Philadelphia Inquirer.


The March 10, 2023, Montgomery County Board of Commissioners Meeting

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