Phoenixville Auctioning Off Former Civic Center


civic center

The former Civic Center at 123 Main Street in Phoenixville is being sold by the borough in an online-only auction that concludes June 2 at 11 AM.  

The borough built a new, larger facility with expanded resources for the community, therefore the circa-1908 building is no longer needed for public use.

Reportedly, it was at one point an armory that was renovated for its current uses. 

The building consists of two floors and a partially finished lower level/basement area. 

The first floor includes three private offices, two restrooms, a kitchen, and a gymnasium. The second floor was renovated as a preschool and divided into several rooms and one restroom. The lower-level basement has utility and mechanical rooms and improved areas, including a locker room used by the Police Athletic League in Phoenixville

“Phoenixville growth has been fun to watch,” said Bob Dann, Auctioneer and Executive Vice President of Max Spann Real Estate and Auction Company. “They have transformed the downtown into a thriving and fun place to live.”

Learn more about the property.

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