Warrington Speedskater Rockets into Qualification for 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing
In an Instagram post brimming with “a roller coaster of emotions,” 20-year-old Warrington speedskater Andrew Heo announced his qualification for the 2022 Winter Olympics. Reporter EeE of radio station 94.5 PST shared the athlete’s joy.
“By His will; for His glory,” is how Heo started his long post of gratitude for the numerous supporters that helped him capture the spot on Team USA.
He acknowledged them, writing, “This moment is just as much yours as it is mine.”
His family was front-of-mind after the qualifying win. “As I crossed the line last Sunday knowing I was an Olympian, the first thing I did was look and point to them, so they knew this was our moment,” posted Heo.
He further recognized coaches past and present, mentors, and staff.
His thanks to short-track coach Wilma (Wil) Boomstra was especially notable. She was dropped as U.S. Speedskating short-track coach last March, under allegations of abusive behavior.
Heo, however, had nothing but praise: “Wil and I have been through so much together the last three years, and I definitely couldn’t have done this without her help. She made me into a better skater, but a better person as well.
“Thanks for always believing in me and pushing me to be the best I could be,” Heo concluded.
More on Heo and his upcoming appearance at the Beijing Winter Olympics is at 94.5 PST.
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