Valley Forge Park’s Washington Memorial Chapel is Home to an Amazing Set of Carillons


Washington Memorial Chapel
Image via Montco Today File Photo.
Washington Memorial Chapel in Valley Forge National Historical Park, which houses the carillon, and played by Doug Gefvert, Chapel Carillonneur.

The tower to Washington Memorial Chapel in Valley Forge Park is home to an amazing set of carillons located in the United States, writes Amanda Brady for 6abc.

The instrument is something akin to a piano but it controls the chapel’s bells.

Currently, there are 175 carillons in the nation.

Located on Route 23, visitors drive by this Gothic Revival Chapel, sitting on private land apart from the Park and was built between 1903 to 1917 in tribute to General George Washington and soldiers of the Continental Army.

Each Wednesday night, the Washington Memorial Chapel organizes free concerts in July and August. Carillonneurs from all around the world come and play for an appreciative audience that enjoys the peaceful setting.

“People leave with a better feeling because of the bells,” said Doug Gefvert, carillonneur of the Washington Memorial National Carillon.

The path up the tower is a long and winding one. It takes 112 steps to reach the instrument. There are six large bells below the playing cabin and 52 bells above it.

The bells started being installed in the 1920s, with more added over the following decades.

Read more about the instrument at 6abc.

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