MCCC Celebrates Accomplishments Of Students Who Completed Its POWER and POWER Plus Program


Graduates from the Fall 2019 POWER program at Montgomery County Community College. Montgomery County Community College recently celebrated the achievements of students who successfully completed its POWER and POWER Plus programs.

Montgomery County Community College recently celebrated the achievements of students who successfully completed its POWER and POWER Plus programs.

The Partnership on Work Enrichment and Readiness program provides people in mental health and substance abuse recovery with the support and skills needed to take the next brave steps.

The POWER program provides a free two-credit course that lasts 14 weeks.

It focuses on career self-assessment, presentation skills, time management, and computer basics among others to help people with both education and employment.

Meanwhile, POWER Plus provides ongoing support for those who are taking college classes or have gained employment as a result of participating in the POWER program.

The event that marked the accomplishments of 31 graduates had numerous speakers. These included MCCC Interim President Dr. Victoria Bastecki-Perez and Montgomery County Commissioners Dr. Valerie Arkoosh, Chair, and Ken E. Lawrence, Jr., Vice Chair.

Several POWER students and graduates also shared their stories during the ceremony.

“People in recovery often feel defeated, like they’re in a room of darkness and despair with no direction,” said POWER Plus student, Seth Berman. “The POWER program gives hope to so many people – people who are ready to give up, but then they find out there is a future.”

Individuals interested in the POWER program may obtain a referral from their mental health or school provider or may self-refer. For more information, contact the Director, Lisa Barbiero at 215-641-6425 or

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