Collegeville Dental Hygienist Invents Water Flosser Suite For Shower


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Lisa Guenst, a dental hygienist from Collegeville, has created ToothShower, an all-in-one water flosser for the shower that is now available for sale on website and Amazon.

The company produced its first ToothShower late last year and has since sold the product in 40 countries, giving it the resources necessary for a global launch.

Guenst came up with the product after repeatedly noticing the same problems in her patients: gum disease. And while flossing can help with this, it is often hard to get across to patients why it is so important.

“I wanted to create something that my patients would use, which is how I came up with ToothShower,” Guenst said. “It’s easy to use, stays in the shower, and eliminates the problem of space and mess associated with most water flossers on the market today.”

ToothShower cleans between teeth, and reaches the areas that toothbrushes cannot.

It uses shower water and offers three types of cleaning: a dual-headed toothbrush, an irrigating tip, and a gum massager. As the product is used in the shower, there is also nothing to clean up afterwards.

The product has an additional four accessories and is designed to fit around bracers.

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