United Way Announces Houston Flood Relief Fund


United Way for Greater Houston has launched the United Way Flood Relief Fund to help support their community in the aftermath of Harvey. The devastation will be great and their community will need incredible resources to recover.

United Way’s first priority will be safety, shelter and basic needs, like food. Once the community is stabilized, United Way will focus on long-term recovery efforts. 100% of donations will go toward recovery efforts.

United Way of Greater Houston maintains a disaster reserve fund, which will be tapped for this storm, however because of the widespread devastation already seen, the needs of those impacted will far exceed existing resources.

Year-round, United Way invests in our community’s first responders, like the Red Cross and the Salvation Army, so they can respond quickly in times of disaster, as they are doing now. They will continue to support their efforts to provide immediate relief.

Click here to support the United Way Flood Relief Fund.

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