Former Rohm & Haas Engineer Invents Product to Counter Wine’s Potential Side Effects


David Meadows, a former research process engineer at Rohm & Haas labs in Spring House, has created an invention that reduces the side-effects of wine. (Image via

A former research process engineer at Rohm & Haas Spring House facility has come up with a gizmo that can help people enjoy wine without the sometimes unexpected or unpleasant side effects, writes Jonathan Takiff for

David Meadows of PureWine has invented The Wand, a teaspoon-size wine filtering and aerating device. The spoon is swirled around in a glass of wine for around three minutes before drinking.

The secret ingredient is The Wand’s patented filtering tip target that removes histamines and sulfites from wine.

“We’re not removing the good things you want to keep, starting with the flavor profile and also the antioxidants that reduce cancer risks and improve vascular health,” explained Meadows.

Meadows put in a decade of research and development into The Wand, after suffering bad gastric reactions from drinking wine. The idea turned into a serious business once Meadows’ eldest son graduated and wanted to start a business.

The pair connected with university researchers and underwent an accelerator program. They finally launched the finished product around eight months ago.

“Now we’re in over 500 retail locations and expanding rapidly,” he said.

Read more about the promising invention at by clicking here.

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